- Pronouns: She/Her
- Age: 20
- Home: Market Square, Lionsbridge
- Magic: Pankinesis
- Skills: Cooking, bluffing, being your friend
- Weaknesses: Anger, self-doubt, Flamin' Onion Cheez-Palz
Fenic is a 20-year-old trans lesbian from the mysterious world of Skyport. When she was just 15, her father pushed her through an ancient portal to Lionsbridge, where she found herself in the run-down queer district of Market Square. Leo and Louis took her in and, with their help, she was able to get over her abandonment and come out of her shell. Unlike her Wildren friends and adoptive father, she's got no tail and not a single cute cat ear.
The self-styled "Angel of Market Square," Fenic is a natural leader with a penchant for spectacle. Naive and carefree at a glance, she'll move heaven and hell to stand up for what she believes in. To her friends, she's kind-hearted, earnest and undyingly loyal. She hates fighting, and she'll do anything to avoid it -- short of compromising the people she loves. But when she can't...
Fenic's magic ability allows her to manipulate any object from a distance. However, her magic is temperamental, and she finds it hard to control. When her heart is in great pain, she sometimes gains a radiant magical crown called a "halo." In this state, her power is endless and unlimited. But it kind of sucks, and she'd much rather just be friends with everyone.
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Age: 20
- Home: Market Square, Lionsbridge
- Magic: None, just really cute
- Skills: Fashion, gossip, math, history
- Weaknesses: Fear of sharp objects, being out of shape, getting boners in skirts
Leo is Fenic's closest friend and occasional makeout practice dummy. A gangly lion boy, Leo delights in looking sharp and cute and always dresses femme. Fenic and Leo often share clothes, although this has become a bit more difficult as he's grown taller. It seems like his dressing habits might have something to do with how he ended up in Market Square...
Leo is actually pretty popular in Market Square because of the air of confidence he exudes. It makes him happy when other boys get inspired to try on skirts because of him. Despite this popularity, Leo seems to have his eyes firmly set on Louis...
- Pronouns: He/Him
- Age: 23
- Home: Market Square, Lionsbridge
- Magic: Nothing But Onions
- Skills: Cooking, cleaning, sewing, emotional support, makeup
- Weaknesses: None that he'll admit to
Louis is the buff bunny boy owner of Lou's Whatever, the fried onion shop slash convenience store at the corner of Gateway Ave. Stoic and hardworking, Louis cares deeply about the kids of Market Square and tries his hardest to be a pillar for them to lean on. He took Leo in six years ago when he had nowhere to go, and the two have been inseparable since.
He's quiet most of the time, but actually does have a sense of humor. Nothing makes him happier than seeing his flock get strong and confident. Sometimes, he focuses so hard on his role as a big brother-type figure that he can't see what's in front of him... and what's in front of him is usually Leo.
- Pronouns: She/Her
- Age: 21
- Home: Market Square, Lionsbridge
- Magic: None
- Skills: Thievery, scamming, video games
- Weaknesses: Thievery, scamming, video games
Fran is an employee of Lou's Whatever, alongside Fenic and Leo. She's not very good at cooking, and usually just tends shop or runs out (read: walks leisurely) for supplies. In the past, she was an unrepentent thief... but mostly just for stuff to eat. Since gaining stable employment, she's a lot more chill. Though she'd never admit it, she's a big softie (in more ways than one). She wouldn't know what to do without her friends.
She's always talking about her girlfriend. What was her name... Lia? Izzy? Hmm... I could swear she's mentioned both those names...
- Pronouns: She/Her
- Age: 21
- Home: Tsul-Aset, Aat
- Magic: Aletheia
- Skills: Knife throwing, calming aura, cape swooshing
- Weaknesses: Fear, trust issues
Enae is a mysterious knight from Tsul-Aset, the homeworld of the Shades -- an ancient lineage of magic bearers against whom the Wilder once staged a centuries-long war. Fenic knows little about her, other than that she's hot, has four arms, and wants to save her from (what Enae claims is) certain doom. However, the real story might be more complicated...
She has a cute looking crystal heart bracelet.
Her magic power enables her to see deception using her third eye. She keeps this ability hidden from everyone but the ones closest to her.
She's been looking for Fenic for five years. What has she been doing all this time?

- Pronouns: She/Her
- Age: 22
- Home: The Drift
- Magic:
NoneRift manipulation - Skills: Scrap hunting, trash lassoing, Minerology
- Weaknesses: Loneliness
In the unkempt abyss of the Drift, Clarissa Strong tracks and lassos islands of floating debris to strip them for useful and valuable items. It's her family business... but nowadays she seems to be all alone as she spends her time in her big house, adrift in the sky-sea of her world.
Apparently, Clarissa has the ability to open and close rifts between worlds without the need for a portal or a specially-crafted crystal key. It's unclear how a Wilder like her gained this seemingly-magical ability, but Enae thinks it might just make her the true hero of the story. The question is... whose story?
She likes to make little crafts out of the objects she finds, with a particular eye for gemstones.
- Pronouns: They/Them
- Age: 20
- Home: Market Square, Lionsbridge
- Magic: None
- Skills: Intimidation, fashion, dramatic poses
- Weaknesses: Magic, cute girls, flirting
Just a weird wannabe mobster. Flips out all the time, mostly burgles small-ticket items for their little brother. Occasionally seen wearing a pin that says "Cool Mom!," which is weird, because almost nobody in this comic speaks English. (Perhaps they just think it looks cool.)
Formerly the leader of the Burgle Bears, one of many cooky Market Square gangs, but all the other members left because they thought Jessica was too weak. Now it's just them and their brother. Rumor has it that they just keep up the act so he'll think they're cool...

- Pronouns: She/Her
- Age: 12³+20
- Home: Tsul-Aset, Aat
- Magic: ???
- Skills: ???
- Weaknesses: ???
Commonly referred to by her posthumous epithet "The Dead Princess," Selin Sesim-Daniva-Tsuluni was one of the daughters of the previous Empress of the Shades, alongside her fraternal twin sister, Fenik Sesim-Daniva-Iori. An outspoken anti-war activist, she espoused a philosophy of pacifism and self-sacrifice which would later become known as the Doctrine of the Dead Princess. She was killed on the Day of Partition just moments before the portals were sealed, having refused to participate in the counterattack against the invading Wilder. Apparently, she was dearly beloved by Tahmonai.
The location of her grave is a closely guarded secret.
- Pronouns: They/Them
- Age: 12³+24
- Home: Tsul-Aset, Aat
- Magic: Paint Body
- Skills: Theater, public speaking, prose, poetry, history, math, military strategy, swordplay, boxing, deception, painting, calligraphy, flower arrangement, masonry, woodcarving, hair styling, knows at least 43 languages, completely immune to all forms of physical damage
- Weaknesses: Sentimentality
The current Emperor of the Shades. Tahmonai's full title, Tahmonai Aruk-Daniva-Nomeni-Moni-Tsul-Aset, means "The Unending, Final-Great-Monarch-of-Everything-Beneath-the-Sky." For some reason, they were granted immortality by God Herself; their self-selected given name reflects this. There is precisely one living person who knows their previous name.
Loud, charming, arrogant, and with a flair for drama befitting someone who has personally witnessed the fall and rebirth of the Shade civilization, Tahmonai enjoys the broad support of the populous at large. Not that there's anything anyone could do to remove them.
Following the mysterious unsealing of the portals, Tahmonai is searching for someone known as the "Lost Princess," whom they believe will help them return a person they once lost. There is apparently nothing they aren't prepared to do in their single-minded devotion to this one goal. But for now, they've reluctantly delegated the task of finding the Lost Princess to their adoptive daughter Enae.
In possession of a very cool-looking sword.